Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Didn't want to say it but....WE TOLD YOU SO!

I didn't want to say it but...WE TOLD YOU SO! Recently DistriCt staffers reported on a shopping event at new area sunglasses boutique ILORI. We promised that this boutique offers the most exclusive sunglasses shopping experience.

Yesterday, Superstar recording artist Beyonce Knowles was seen shopping at ILORI on Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles with her nephew taking part in ILORI's expertly crafted shopping experience for exclusive shoppers of stylish frames.

I knew Beyonce read the DistriCt....
If you haven't had the opportunity to check them out, and have the experience yourself, head to ILORI Chevy Chase located at the Shops at Wisconsin in Chevy Chase.


  1. Love her and Juelz and Tina! His shirt says, "My Auntie Rocks!" Too cute :-)

  2. i agree!!!! Julez clearly knows his stuff

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