I have a confession to make--Its not my usual style to talk about myself but its so relevant so I must-- I borrowed my roommate's necklace to wear to a party last fall because it just complimented my outfit so well (
above) and someone asked me if it was a Kenneth Jay Lane piece. Because my roommate has some fly stuff, i automatically assumed it was an I answered "Yes". When I got home and told her about all the compliments I got on her
KJL necklace she busted out laughing. That's when she let me know the necklace was from Forever 21! I was shocked.
The moral of the story you ask? Well I'm not exactly sure but lets just say the Kenneth Jay Lane/Forever 21 caper has struck again! I was perusing one of my favorite sites
http://www.netaporter.com/ and saw their feature on
florals and saw an amazing floral
KJL necklace and it looked so familiar to me. That's when I realized I saw a look-a-like at Forever 21 in Pentagon City!

This Kenneth Jay Lane necklace is the perfect feminine piece for the season. its gold plated double chain link accented with
enamal flowers also has gem detailing. The piece retails for $230.00

For our our
fashionistas on a budget, head to Forever 21 at Pentagon City and pick up this piece. Its made of high polished metal and also has enamel flowers. It also has pearl detailing and retails for $6.80.
Achieve the look for less (but make sure you tell your girlfriends the piece is Forever 21)!
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